Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week of October 24


Thursday Thoughts October 24 

As we close out our last week of October and our focus on Breast Cancer, I hope that we don't forget the importance of finding a cure for this disease.  Our Student Council has requested that we have a "pink out" on Monday, October 28th.  I agree and think that we should finish strong.  Please join in on Monday and paint the town (okay maybe not the town but definitely the school) pink.

Staff Spotlight:
This week I would like to shine the spotlight on Erin Amideo.  Erin has gone above and beyond as it relates to differentiating instruction to all students in her classroom.  As a general education teacher, Erin has minimal experience teaching Autistic students within the general education classroom.  However from day one, Erin has risen to the challenge.  She has given up her planning periods when her student could not remain in specials, sought advice from special education teachers and spent a great amount of one on one time working with her student to really get a feel for what she can do.  All the while making sure that she is meeting the needs of the other students in the class.  It is amazing to walk into the classroom and see an entire class of 5 year olds who are sensitive and empathetic to their classmate.  We have many students who are served in our special education department and our staff spends a great deal of time making sure students are appropriately placed.  But often it takes time to get it right.  I appreciate the fact that we have general education teachers like Erin who are patient and willing to do whatever it takes for all students.

4C's: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking Skills

Technology Will Not Replace Teachers

by Jeff & Katie Dunn

There is an onslaught of technology on the modern classroom. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students alike are being told that technology is the whetstone with which we can all sharpen our education system. Technology can open doors, expand minds, and change the world.
That may be true, but it's not the panacea that it's been made out to be. As much innovation as the iPad may bring to the classroom, it's not going to replace a teacher anytime soon. In fact, the influx of technology like iPads means there is a greater need for teachers. We need teachers who are part early adopter, part integrator, and part mad scientist. The modern teacher must be willing to take chances and able to figure out how not just how technology works, but how it works for each student, and where its use is most appropriate.
Personalized tech-infused learning is the future of education. We started Edudemic to share the best education technology resources. Now it's no longer good enough to just share resources. So we started Modern Lessons in an effort to bring all teachers, parents, and students around the world up to speed on modern technology. It is our goal to help bring personalized tech-infused learning to classrooms around the world. Not just the ones in first world countries, but to find efficient ways to bring technology into the classrooms of every country.
There is a problem, however. When someone mentions using technology in education, the conversation shifts away from education and pedagogy, and transforms into dreams of shiny new gizmos and gadgets filling our classrooms. That's a problem - It's not about the technology. Rather, the sleek and ever more powerful devices that are coming down the pipeline are simply one part of a teacher's toolkit. The technology is not the lesson, it is there to enhance the lesson.
A classroom with one iPad or one laptop for every student may offer opportunities that a classroom with one computer for the teacher to use does not. But technology in such abundance is not education's magic bullet. Instead of having an all-technology-all-the-time classroom, teachers should leverage the technology when it can ameliorate the lesson. You can flip your classroom without relying solely on technology. Project-based learning activities don't have to happen in totally tech driven environments.
Our classrooms are changing, and without a doubt they will look quite different in five or ten years than they do today. New technologies are being developed quickly, and with so many different trends taking hold, it is yet to be seen what will be shaken out and what will stick. Will MOOCs or a similar online learning concept start to take over? Will we have robots for teachers?
One thing we feel strongly about: teachers aren't going anywhere. Whatever word you choose - teacher, tutor, preceptor, or something else - the role a teacher plays in the classroom is huge. Everyone knows this on a personal level, and can identify a teacher or mentor who has had influence on us or changed our trajectories in a positive way.
Teachers are not, and cannot be automatons handing out information to students. They are leaders, guides, facilitators, and mentors. They encourage students when they struggle, and inspire them to set and reach for their goals. They are role models, leading by example and giving direction when necessary. A computer can give information, but a teacher can lend a hand, or an ear, and discern what's necessary for a student to succeed, and to want to succeed.
So yes, technology is going to play a critical role in the future of education. But not as big a role as that of a teacher.

Technology Tidbits: (If you have websites to share please email me and I will share with all)

Check out the following websites:
The Kennedy Center's free digital resource for teaching and learning in, through and about the arts.
A site where you can have students write and illustrate their own stories.
There is a sign up but it is free.  There is a cost if you want students to publish their work.

News & Notes

 I am excited about the next phase of the School Governance Council.  The voting period will be open from November 13th – November 19th, 2013.   We had 3 parent candidates for the 3 parent positions so I am not sure if a parent election is warranted.  The parent candidates are Rachel Allen, Lisa Beckett and Ellen Newell.  We had 3 teacher candidates for the 2 teacher positions so an election will take place among the staff.  The teacher candidates are Traci Fleck, Andrea Hidock and Tanis Ockwell.  I will share more information as I get it.

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