Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week of November 5

Thursday Thoughts November 5
This evening I had the pleasure of serving as a guest speaker for teenagers through an organization called Opportunity Knocks.  This is a nonprofit that works with troubled teens living in various group homes.  I was able to eat with them, fellowship and hopefully I encouraged them to hang in there.  Life is tough for these young people and they have experienced things that many of us could not even imagine.  In spite of their circumstances, they had the ability to joke and laugh and even opened up about what inspires them.  The kids were amazing and I hope I get a chance to see them again.  If you ever think that what you are going through is unbearable, make time to connect and interact with people whose journey is much different than yours. It will change your perspective and maybe even how you look at your own life.


Staff Spotlight

This week I would like to shine the spotlight on Chris Bellagamba.  Chris continues to set the bar high for herself and her students.  This year she has stepped up to participate on the Superintendent's Advisory Council, the Teacher Leadership Forum (the compensation reform task force as I like to call it) and the Assessment Leaders Cohort. This is all being done while providing the highest quality instruction for her students.  Chris has embraced Genius Hour and she takes hands on science to another level.   I would also be remiss if I did not mention the time and effort that she puts into our Student Council.  Our students are taking ownership of their school and the council is leading the way.   Chris is passionate about students' learning and she is always striving to improve her craft.
We are thankful for her leadership and appreciate Chris for the work she is doing to make Medlock  a great place to learn.

Personalized Learning

Medlock Bridge Instructional Model for Personalized Learning

by Medlock Personalized Learning Team

•Our model plan will support Personalized Learning in each classroom by giving teachers the autonomy to determine scheduling based on the needs of their individual students as well as their class as a whole.   We will not specify or enforce time limits for individual activities.

•Our Model plan will be used in K-5.


•We expect whole group instruction to be used for introduction and closing activities. The majority of instructional time will be dedicated to small group and individual learning activities.  Whole group is not the preferred method of instruction so teachers will use it as a “campfire” type activity where they quickly share plans, directions or inspiration for the day’s activities.


•A Station Rotation model has been utilized at MBES for several years.  Students will continue to rotate through the stations as outlined in our model.  Teachers will be consistently re-evaluating their students’ learning and will determine what types of activities are most effective for individual students.  Students will be given some voice and choice in selection of learning activities.


•When classroom devices are rolled out we will continue to have our current iPads available for temporary checkout.   These can be used for for creation or exploration stations, Genius Hour,  PBL,  and other special projects.   Because Special Areas have larger class sizes the iPads will be made available for checkout by those classes as well.


•For the past three years our school has been consistently focused on communication,  collaboration,  creativity and critical thinking skills.  Our PL instructional plan is designed to support this initiative for our students as well as our teaching staff.

•Flexible groupings are fluid and adjusted based on student mastery of standards.
•Classrooms in grades 2-5 are departmentalized.   Students receive instruction based on their continuous achievement level with the opportunity to move to another level when ready.  There are some accelerated students who may receive instruction on another grade level for a particular subject.

•Teacher roles within the instructional model will vary widely depending on the needs of students.  Teachers will have the autonomy to be creative within the instructional model as they design a classroom environment that supports their students. We will provide support to ensure that each classroom model allows for effective Personalized Learning instruction, and encompasses  the 4 C’s.


•Teachers will monitor student progress daily,  they will design assessments,  both formal and informal to ensure that students are learning within the model.  We will use the data from observations, grade level data talks as well as results of our adaptive digital content tools (Redbird and Compass Learning/Hybridge) to ensure student success.

•Students will be given choice in many aspects of our model.  We expect them to become more knowledgeable and aware of their learning style,  choose topics within the curriculum that interest them and explore topics outside the curriculum that foster become lifelong learning.

•Students will be able to choose how they show what they have learned.  We envision a variety of technology tools in addition to many other forms of presentation.  We have already seen Genius Hour students present their learning in poetry, plays,  projects, movies and many other formats. 

•Students will be given easy access to adaptive Personalized Learning tools as well as digital content at home through our Mackin Via Digital Portal.  They will be able to use these tools to continue their learning,  work on skills that need development and explore topics that interest them.

Habitudes- (Growth Mindset)

 Looking Ahead


Next week is our canned food drive.  Many thanks to all who created a pumpkin character to excite the students.  


After Thanksgiving, we will begin our staff holiday gift card campaign.  We will identify a few of our very own Medlock students and their families in need and present them with gift cards that will allow them to purchase food and toys for the holidays. 


In January, our students will participate in a shoe recycling drive (derived from two 5th graders' actual Genius Hour project).  

Thank you for being such a generous and caring staff!




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